Friday, April 15, 2011

Packing up the Paint Brushes

I'll be packing up my paint brushes for awhile.  As I mentioned yesterday, we will be heading to Las Vegas tomorrow.  Hopefully, I will have some good photos to share with you.  Today will be spent readying the fifth wheel for travel.  We have been here in California for about a month....the longer you stay in one place it seems, the more you "spread out".  That translate into re-packing and arranging things for travel.  I always go through all the cabinets making sure everything is secure....believe it or not adding a roll of toilet paper here and there for filler keeps things in their place as we go down the road.
After Vegas we think we might head over into Colorado....neither of us have been there before and Sante Fe New Mexico is also on our travel agenda.  The gypsy in me can't wait to see what's "around the next bend" or "over the next mountain top"!!  The Adventure Awaits....

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