Saturday, February 4, 2012

Flamingo Part 2

Here we are....I'm building the basic textures and slowly building up lights and darks.  This is all done with washes of color.  My palette is burnt umber, white, cream, grey, ultra blue, and burnt sienna.  As I lay in the washes I'm careful to keep my brush strokes in the direction of the feathers.
A closer look at the feathers and neck/head area below.  Again...I'm just trying to establish the basic shapes of the feathers and beginning to build layers of color
I do use a matte medium (mixed with 50% water) in between the layers of washes.  It preserves the work completed and aids in adding depth to the painting. 


WrightStuff said...

This is going to be stunning!

Patti said...

I agree with WrightStuff.

It also helps me feel like maybe I could learn to paint.

Gina Cuff said...

Beautiful work, Debbie!

Liv @ Choosing Beauty said...

Wow, Debbie - really cool to watch this painting evolve!

Anonymous said...

Looking good! You do amazing work, so realistic!

jeanne @ Inspiring Ideas said...

Beautiful piece!!! Love flamingoes!

Jennifer Richardson said...

I love it here!
wallowing in the beautiful
of all this wildlife
and art
(peaceful good
macaroni and cheese)
I'll come around
peaceful and easy here,

renee said...

So beautiful, the colors are perfect.

Susie Lubell said...

wow. i love to see your process. the layering is fantastic. so rich.