Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Giraffe Part 1

Allrighty we go.  Spent the day getting in a basic idea of a background and roughing in a few areas on the giraffe.  The background will change as the giraffe come together and I'm thinking at this point I may add some more green.  We shall see about that later.
I always like to start with the eyes, but sometimes it takes a little bit for my painting "mojo" to come together.  So, I move around a bit.....until my eye starts to truly see.  To see the individual shapes and textures...not the whole.  Ended up that the ear captured my attention and I'm very happy with the way it is coming along. 
I'm using Deco Art Traditions Acrylic.  It is a fluid acrylic and since I tend to work in layers of washes of color the consistency works well for me.  I always start with light values of color and gradually keep adding the layers until the I reach the saturation level I'm looking to develop. 
Next time, I'll share some of my favorite brushes and how I used them to achieve texture.  This is being done on a 12 x 16 gessoboard with 3/4 inch cradle.  That simply means the edges of the board are 3/4 inch and may be painted.....eliminating the need for a frame giving the painting a more modern feel.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Giraffe On the Easel

Been back and forth a half dozen times trying to decide on my next project, but I keep coming back to this same image.....
This guy is just a baby (born March 10, 2010) and I fell in love with that innocent face.  He is chewing on a piece of grass and was only mildly curious about the human with the camera.  Below you will find my sketch......
This is where it all begins.  I think the background will be set with modeled colors of greens, blues, and browns with all the focus being on that glorious giraffe!  So stay tuned to this "blog channel" for wip photos as this little guy develops.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Truck/Hare Done!

Another painting complete......

I finished up the "Old Truck and the Hare" painting yesterday.  I just want to thank everyone over at the "Hive" for all your support.  I don't think I would have finished if not for all your great comments and encouragement. 

Along with the completion of this painting, I have also managed to get my "shopping cart" set up on the my web site.  Folks can now securely purchase directly from my web site.  This latest painting will be posted and available for purchase soon. 

I also wanted to share some great news on the marketing front.  I was asked to do an interview with Donna Hailson over at PetLife Radio for her show, "On the road with Mac and Molly".  The interview will be conducted this afternoon, to be aired at a later date.  As soon as I know the "air" date, I will pass it along to you.  I so very excited about this opportunity!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Step by step....Truck/Hare

Here is another look at my WIP of the truck and the hare.  I made some design changes and decided it was getting a bit to busy in that lower right hand corner.  That is the beauty of acrylics....don't like it.....paint it out and start again....and that is just what I did!
I also lightened up the ground area and went with a more "rocky" look.  I still have work to do on the landscape....going to add some dried grasses around the rocks and the hare.
Now this guy has been a bit of a challenge....I'm not used to working so small!  Thank goodness most of the body and legs will eventually be covered by some dried grasses.  His or her backside will also be covered a bit by the shadow of the truck.  I spent most of my time on the face....where I want the viewer to be focused.  I kinda feel like that story of the tortoise and the hare....."slow and steady wins the race"......LOL!

Monday, June 13, 2011

One down, one to go

Finishing my pelican painting has inspired me to complete my truck/hare painting.  I know several of you have been asking about that one.....Mr Q....this one is for you....LOL!
I ended up only getting a couple of hours in on this yesterday.  I spent my time working on the rocks in the upper left corner and the rocks in the lower right corner......guess I was "rocking" away my day...LOL!  Anyway, my enthusiasm for this painting is back and I'm looking forward to finishing it up.  I'll be spending most of my time in the, grasses, and a few cacti.  Then I'll turn my attention to the hare and the final touches on the truck.  I'm still working on the "shopping cart" for my website.  I appreciate all the comments and suggestions.  I looked at all the options and have settled on one.....more on that at a later date!  It is a glorious day and my paint brush is calling!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pelican is Finished!

I had such a satisfying day yesterday!  I actually finished my Pelican painting....what a great feeling!  To top it off, I'm pretty darn happy with the outcome.  Have a look for yourself.....
Here is a close up of the beak area....I decided to add a few water droplets as this guy is "fresh" from the water.  Have not done water droplets in awhile, but I think they work well.
Here is a close up of the head....this is my favorite part of the painting.....I love all the colors that come together here.
So there you have I just have to get the painting listed as "AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE" on my web site.  Not as easy as it sounds as this will be the first painting I make available directly through my website.  I will be setting up the whole "shopping cart" system.  Wish me luck....I'll need it....LOL!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Feathers, feathers, feathers

I know I stated that my next project would be the roadrunner....but.....I had a change of heart or should I say "brush"...LOL.  As many of my regular followers know, I have been struggling with the Pelican's feathers.  I just couldn't seem to 'get it right'.  Yesterday, I had this 'urge' to place that pelican painting on my easel.  I just looked at it for the longest time....evaluating....wondering if I should just plain trash it.  But somewhere from within came this little voice, "One more time....just try, one more time".  I said a little prayer, took a deep breath, and picked up my brush.  It took a few minutes, but things finally starting coming together and making sense.  I think I had been trying to paint each individual feather...and there are so many.  This time I took a little less of a controlled approach.....painted in a more 'painterly fashion'.  I forced myself to move more quickly and focus on the whole rather then the individual.  I hope that makes some sense to are the results.....
I'm very happy.....I wanted to capture some movement here.....that wind swept feeling of a bird that has just landed....feathers are rather askew
I'm not finished with the feathers, but I'm further a long and happier with the results then I have ever been with this painting.  My confidence in myself has been restored....this guy will be finished and will be available for purchase on my web site very soon!  That is a very GOODE thing....LOL!